Plenary Sessions

Holli Semetko, Nieves Lagares, Andreu Casero Ripollés, and Carlos Patarroyo will be the keynote speakers at ICOMTA’2024

ICOMTA’2024 has reason to celebrate. Four important experts have confirmed their participation in the event, which will take place in Lima from September 4th to 6th, 2024, with a hybrid attendance format, meaning attendees can participate either in person or virtually.

The researchers who will lead the plenary sessions of the congress are Holli A. Semetko, from Emory University in Atlanta (United States). Dr. Semetko is a respected figure in the study of international communication and its effects on democracy and electoral processes. Her research on influence, strategies, and campaigns in international contexts spans from the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and the European Union to India, China, and South Korea.

Nieves Lagares Díaz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC, Spain), with extensive experience in areas such as political behavior, emotions, and political communication. Dr. Lagares has been the Director of the Master’s Degree in Management of International Cooperation and NGOs at USC (2001-2012) and has held numerous university management positions, such as advisor to the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organization and Faculty at USC (2002-2004) and Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at USC (2004-2013).

Andreu Casero Ripollés, Professor of Journalism at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI, Spain), has also confirmed his participation in ICOMTA’2024. Dr. Casero Ripollés is considered one of Spain’s most important authors on political communication. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and a visiting researcher at Columbia University (United States) and Westminster University (United Kingdom), among others. He has been ranked by Stanford University among the top 2% of leading researchers in the discipline, thanks to his studies that also encompass the challenges and opportunities that the digital age presents for traditional and new media.

Finally, Carlos Patarroyo, Philosopher and Doctor of Philosophy from the National University of Colombia. Dr. Patarroyo has conducted postdoctoral research at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) and the University of Valencia (Spain). He served as President of the Colombian Society of Philosophy from 2016 to 2021 and is currently the President of the Inter-American Society of Philosophy. He is a Counselor of Minciencias for the National Program of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Human Sciences, Social Sciences, and Education. He is a Professor in the Philosophy program, served as Dean for more than eight years of the School of Human Sciences at the University of Rosario (Colombia), and is currently the Director of the Liberal Arts Program in Social Sciences at said School.

For more information about the congress and how to participate, please visit our website: